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We had a great time again talking about a number of subjects during this Free For All Friday Show with my beautiful co-host and wife Kate.

I hope you enjoy the energy and connection we have together doing our shows. It’s really weird to be honest we rarely fight if ever and are really best friends so we hope that comes across in our shows

She’s been on the same path of health as I have and it’s really fun going through this journey with her. One of the things we talked about during this show was her juice cleanse (if you’re looking for a great juice cleanse program Drew Canole has put together a really great one!). During the time of this show she was going a 7 day detoxification juice cleanse. She ended up losing about 6 pounds. I don’t think she needed to lose any weight but she welcomed it as she says it always stores itself in her hips and thighs.

She was doing the cleanse not to lose weight but to improve her digestion, cleanse toxins out of her liver and reduce the chemical load in her body to prepare her body for pregnancy. These are all great primary reasons to do a cleanse. Weight loss and having a slim figure should be secondary reasons.

We also talked for a while about how much we love our Squatty Potty! I don’t think we talk about it enough but this little toilet contraption really is amazing and we know that if you buy one you’ll love it as much as we do. It’s almost like getting a really fast computer. You can’t live without it once you have it. Similar to a Vitamix blener or some other kitchen appliance you really love.

I can’t say enough about the Squatty Potty.

We also talked about lots of other topics relating to health, vitality, cleansing and more.

We really hope you enjoy this episode! 🙂

Items Mentioned:

“Life is too short to be running on autopilot. And, no matter what age you are, you are never too young or too old to increase the amount of value you contribute.”Terri Cole

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Show Date: Sun 6/30/2013
Topic: Energy medicine, dreams and more
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Duration/Size: 01:10:57/ 66.57 MB
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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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