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Yes you can reverse osteoporosis in 6 months if you are dedicated. I’ve seen people do it despite what their doctors may have told them.

The only solution a doctor has is to put you in a drug that has serious “side” effects.

In their world, there’s a pill for every ill.

If the medical industrial complex had their way, every person on earth would be on 3-5 medications.

It’s sickening.

My mom was diagnosed with osteoporosis about 20 years ago and we were able to reverse it with half of what I’m going to share in this article and even less than all the options I share in my Bone Health Protocol.

Remember, there are many ways to sheer a sheep.

There are many causes of sickness and as a result many remedies. Reversing osteoporosis in 6 months is possible if you’re willing to put in the work.

The work means, stopping everything you’re doing or eating, that’s causing osteoporosis along with doing things to help rebuild bone matrix.

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a degenerative bone disease which normally leads to decreased bone mass and density. It typically leads to fragile, porous bones that are more susceptible to fractures​​. Most people don’t realize this but when an elderly person breaks their hip, it’s not because they fell and the hip broke. Most times, it’s the hip that broke first then they fell.

First we need to break down how bone cells are formed and how they are broken down. Bone cells are made of osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

Osteoclasts are specialized bone cells that break down and resorb old or damaged bone tissue, releasing minerals like calcium into the bloodstream​. In contrast, osteoblasts are bone-building cells responsible for forming new bone by depositing minerals and collagen, ensuring bone regeneration and strength​.


  • Blasts – Building new bone cells
  • Clasts – Crumbling bone cells

It occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both, often due to aging, hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medical conditions​. I’ve heard many medical doctors talk about osteoporosis as a “silent disease” because it progresses without many symptoms until a fracture occurs, typically in the hips, spine, or wrists​.

Causes of Osteoporosis

The conventional medical model is almost right about what causes osteoporosis. In my opinion what they say is true but it’s not the whole truth. The general consensus is that for both men and women hormone issues are at the heart of having weak bones. They also mention a lack of vitamin D. This doesn’t meant supplementing vitamin d a pill but getting it from sunshine.

Here’s why…

For a more nuanced natural and I would say holistic understanding of why we are diagnosed with osteoporosis has a lot to do with low stomach acid (from eating processed foods, prescription medications, drinking soft drinks and taking over the counter medications like Tums).

On top of this some other causes of osteoporosis are…

  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Lack of exercise
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • High EMF environment (this includes blue light)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism
  • Medications (glucocorticoids, anticonvulsants, antacids, diuretics)

Osteoporosis Testing

There are normally 3 tests that doctors will do to see if your body currently has weak bones. Notice I didn’t use the word osteoporosis and I didn’t say “….doctors will do to see if you have osteoporosis“.

This is something I harp on a lot. Your body doesn’t have something. Osteoporosis is a made up word. There’s nothing in nature that knows what that word is. The word itself is a catch all label used to describe a set of symptoms and possible ranges of bone matrix that could be different from person to person.

The issue with any kind of health testing is that the make up a word (in this case osteoporosis) and then map a drug that treats that word. So when they try to diagnose something, all they’re doing is looking for connections to prescribe a drug, a treatment or to get more tests.

This is a cash cow for the medical industrial complex who doesn’t want to heal you because it’s not profitable.

The other aspect of medical testing and “early diagnosis” is that any test is a snapshot in time. It means that’s a picture of what was going on in your body at that particular time. That doesn’t mean that that health issue is something that your body has right in this moment.

Your body is dynamic and ever changing, every second of the day.

Your cells are changing, some are dying, some are growing some are moving and all the while they are transporting oxygen, getting rid of metabolic waste, dealing with infections, parasites inflammation etc. When you get a test, you get to see what was going on at that second in time.

Have you ever seen a professional wrestling match where the ring is filled with 50 people all fighting at the same time?

If you took on photo of that during the entire 20 minutes of that event, you could paint any picture you want as to what’s going on.

Multiply that by hundreds of trillions of things happening in the body at any given second and there’s your “test” to see if you got a “diagnosis”.

I take all testing with a grain of sea salt.

Another really important aspect of testing I want you to consider is the idea of owning a diagnosis. Never say “I have XYZ condition” or “My XYZ”.

Words create reality.

Words become things.

Your cells are listening to every word you speak and every thought you have.

You cannot know if “you” have “XYZ” condition. First because we are not our body. We are separate from our body. We have a body but we are not the body. Secondly as we mentioned before the condition is a made up word from the medical industry. There’s literally no such thing as osteoporosis. There are bones that are becoming weaker from the thoughts we think and the actions we take daily, and there bones that are becoming stronger for the same reason.

There’s no osteoporosis.

This gets into the last part of my rant on using words and nouns against us. Osteoporosis is a noun. It’s a “thing” (at least according to the medical industrial complex). What is a noun? A noun as we all learned in school is a person, place or “thing”.

A thing could be a pair of pants. If you put a pair of pants on your bed and come back in a few weeks, the pants (noun) will still be there.

Nouns are dangerous, if you choose to live by them. The reason is that it’s almost impossible to change a noun. A noun is static, unchanging and constant. It’s something that has been solidified in physical form. It’s tangible. You can touch it and feel it.

But the more dangerous aspects of nouns when it comes to being “diagnosed” with a health condition is that it takes external forces (most times medication, drugs, toxic treatments etc.) to change them. Nouns must be changed from the outside in. Nouns also are the result of actions taken by other people.

A verb on the other hand has everything to do with ourselves and the actions we take. It gives us control and puts responsibility back into our hands. Let’s turn nouns into verbs. Let’s say my body has a certain autoimmune condition that the doctor diagnosed me with.

Instead of saying “I have XYZ condition”, ask yourself “How am I autoimmuning myself today?”.

Then you can see how you are contributing to the symptom and stop doing that. It puts much more control into your hands.

Ultimately your body doesn’t “have things” it presents symptoms that will go away when you fix the environment it lives in and what you consume.

That was a long rant on diagnostics but I wanted to get that off my chest. 🙂

For lack of better words I’m going to share the common “tests” for “osteoporosis” below….

The DEXA Scan

A Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA or DEXA) scan is the gold standard for diagnosing osteoporosis. It measures bone mineral density (BMD) at the hip, spine, and sometimes the forearm​.

T-Score Ranges:

  • Normal: ≥ -1.0
  • Osteopenia (low bone mass): -1.0 to -2.4
  • Osteoporosis: ≤ -2.5
  • Severe Osteoporosis: ≤ -3.0 (high risk of fractures)​.

Testing Frequency:

  • Women ≥ 65 and men ≥ 70: Routine screening every 2 years.
  • Postmenopausal women < 65 and men < 70: If they have risk factors (e.g., fractures, steroid use, smoking), testing is recommended every 2–3 years.
  • If on osteoporosis treatment: Follow-up DXA every 1–2 years to monitor progress​.

Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Tests

BMD tests measure bone density using X-ray, ultrasound, or CT scans. The DXA scan is the most common, but others include, Quantitative CT Scan (QCT) – More detailed but higher radiation exposure. Ultrasound – Used for preliminary screening (e.g., heel bone ultrasound).

T-Score Interpretation (Same as DXA scan):

  • Normal (≥ -1.0)
  • Osteopenia (-1.0 to -2.4)
  • Osteoporosis (≤ -2.5)

Testing Frequency:

  • Every 2 years, or annually if there’s rapid bone loss or high fracture risk.

Blood Tests for Gluten/Gliadin Sensitivity

A celiac panel can detect gluten intolerance or celiac disease, which may contribute to osteoporosis by impairing calcium absorption​.

Common tests include:

  • Tissue transglutaminase (tTG-IgA)
  • Deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP-IgA & IgG)
  • Endomysial antibody (EMA-IgA)

Normal Ranges:

  • Negative: No gluten sensitivity detected
  • Positive: Suggests celiac disease or gluten intolerance (requires a biopsy for confirmation)

How often to get tested:

  • Once if osteoporosis is unexplained, especially in younger individuals.
  • If diagnosed with celiac disease, follow-up tests every 6–12 months to ensure a gluten-free diet is effective​.

Diet for Osteoporosis

An optimal diet for preventing and reversing osteoporosis quickly should focus on anti-inflammatory, nutrient-dense whole foods that support bone mineralization and reduce bone loss​.

Key foods I would include would be raw dairy, leafy greens, sea vegetables, wild-caught fish, and nuts/seeds, which provide calcium, magnesium, vitamin K2, and omega-3 fatty acids​.

On the flip side, processed foods, refined sugars, caffeine, alcohol, and sodas should be minimized from your diet since they contribute to calcium loss and inflammation​.

Also, research I’ve read recently suggests that a animal-based mixed with a Mediterranean-style diet that balances protein, healthy fats, and alkaline foods (e.g., fruits and vegetables) can help preserve bone density and prevent fractures​.

Essentially just eat real food. #JERF 🙂

11 Supplements for Osteoporosis

There are more than 11 supplements to reverse osteoporosis but here are the top choices if this were me.

1. Melatonin

  • Essential for maintaining bone mass and strength.
  • Supplementation reduces fracture risk, especially when combined with vitamin D.
  • Source

2. Calcium (1,000–1,200 mg/day)

  • Essential for maintaining bone mass and strength. I recommend raw grass fed organic local dairy for calcium.
  • Supplementation reduces fracture risk, especially when combined with vitamin D.
  • Source

3. Vitamin D3 (800–1,000 IU/day)

  • Enhances calcium absorption and bone remodeling. I don’t recommend supplementing hormone d, but getting it from sun or a light device.
  • Combined supplementation with calcium is effective in preventing fractures.
  • Source

4. Vitamin K2 (MK-7) (100–200 mcg/day)

  • Directs calcium to bones and prevents arterial calcification.
  • May reduce the risk of fractures when combined with vitamin D.
  • Source

5. Magnesium (310–420 mg/day)

  • Supports bone density and aids in calcium metabolism.
  • Higher magnesium intake is associated with improved bone mineral density.
  • Source

6. Boron (1–3 mg/day)

  • Enhances the body’s use of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D.
  • May help in maintaining bone strength.
  • Source

7. Manganese (2–5 mg/day) 

  • Required for bone mineralization and cartilage formation.
  • Manganese deficiency is linked to lower bone density and increased fracture risk.
  • Source

8. Collagen Peptides (5–10 g/day)

  • Provides amino acids essential for bone matrix formation.
  • May improve bone mineral density and reduce bone loss.
  • Source

9. Strontium (680 mg/day, as strontium citrate or ranelate)

  • Increases bone density by reducing resorption and enhancing formation.
  • Should not be taken at the same time as calcium, as they compete for absorption.
  • Source

10. Zinc (8–11 mg/day)

  • Necessary for bone tissue renewal and mineralization.
  • Low zinc levels are linked to decreased bone density.
  • Source

11. Silicon (5–10 mg/day, as orthosilicic acid or bamboo extract)

  • Contributes to bone formation and health.
  • Higher dietary silicon intake is associated with increased bone mineral density.
  • Source

Extra Considerations

Remember that osteoporosis doesn’t just happen from poor diet and a lack of supplementation but also from a lack of exercise.  Doing weight bearing exercises along with vibration plate therapy and rebounding can extremely helpful for reversing osteoporosis in 6 months.

Ladies, you need to lift weights. You will not get bulky and look like a man. You would have to lift really heavy weight for several hours a day to even get close. Putting on muscle will be one of the best decisions you ever make in life if you want to reverse osteoporosis quickly.

Final Thoughts

This article is just scratching the tip of the iceberg when it comes to everything you should be doing to help rebuild your bones. This is why I put together the complete Bone Health Protocol that will answer all your questions and get you on the path to reversing osteoporosis in a matter of months.

That’s the goal!

But as with everything, that’s not a promise, this is not medical advice and I am not a doctor. I’m just a health advocate and meticulous researcher who likes helping people find natural solutions to common health problems.


  1. Are you currently dealing with osteoporosis?
  2. If so, what have you tried? Has it worked?
  3. What do you think contributed to the cause of your condition?

Comment below.

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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