Stop Colds & Flus with These Proven Tips 

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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
October 3, 2024

You ever have that feeling that you just “know” a cold or flu is coming on?

There’s just something inside you where you just know that something isn’t right. You feel it in the evening and a little before bed and you hope that when you wake up, your body fought it off.

Well that happened to me a week or so ago.

I was able to do quite a few therapies at my home that afternoon and evening. I did the Electron Charger, my red light therapy device, while doing my Vitamin D lamp, vibration plate along with my magnetic pulser from Sota at the same time.

After that I did my PEMF mat with more red light therapy and my biomat. From there I took a 35 minute sauna and sweat like crazy. The health benefits of infrared saunas are absolutely incredible and seem to be endless.

I got out and remineralized my body with a shot of Intramax and  3 shilajit tablets with my lunch and felt great.

That night I slept for nine hours and I woke up and it was 90% gone.

Thank God!

It could have gone either way so I felt like I dodged a bullet.

But then….. a day later the infection settled in my ear.

Ugh it was so painful.

Ear aches are interesting because when you don’t have them, it’s the last thing you think about. But when you do have an ear infection everything changes.

The pain is so bad it’s all you can think about!

For me it was a dull ache which would throb making it really painful. But then the pain became acute and sharp like somebody was stabbing me in my ear with a sharp knife.

It was the worst ear infection I ever had. Even worse than any earaches I had as a child.

What is an Ear Infection?

Ear infections are sometimes called otitis media and it’s when there’s an infection or inflammation in the middle ear. If there’s fluid stuck in the middle ear and you have an excess of wax buildup it could cause it to receive low oxygen and then become infected.

That’s what happened to me. I had some wax buildup and I went to the beach at the tail end of what I thought was a cold. Water got stuck in my ear when I went under a wave and it didn’t come out. Recipe for ear infection disaster!

Ear Infection Causes

There are mechanical causes like I mentioned before but also internal causes that combine with the external causes. In my cause I most likely had a candida infection or yeast infection going on at the same time.

For me I feel like it was a combination of factors that lead to my ear infection.

Here are also some other causes…

Respiratory Infections

Bacteria from respiratory infections, allergies, and colds can reach the ears, causing infections.

Eustachian Tube Blockage

The Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the throat, can become blocked or infected, leading to ear infections. This blockage can be caused by factors such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and even common colds. This is just one more reason to get a high quality air filter in your home as well as doing the Big Six lymphatic drainage which I’ll post below.


We did an entire show with Dr. Perry Nickelston which I’ll post below to learn more about how important the lymph system is.

Food Allergies

A significant number of children with recurrent middle-ear infections have been found to have food allergies. Eliminating specific foods from their diet has shown to significantly reduce the occurrence of ear infections. Food allergies can be a factor is many health challenges people have and they don’t think about it. I would recommend getting a food allergy test done or looking at the foods you’ve eaten a few days before your ear infection.

There was an interesting study by W.A. Fouad and S.M. Makhemaer back in 2022 in the Al-Azhar Assiut Medical Journal that food allergies to dairy products, contribute to the development of Otitis Media with Effusion (OME) and allergic rhinitis.

The most common foods people are allergic to are..

  1. Dairy
  2. Wheat
  3. Soy
  4. Nuts
  5. Eggs

You could say that a natural ear infection remedy could be as simple as not eating dairy!

Chronic Catarrh

Chronic catarrh of the nose or throat, often due to enlarged and diseased tonsils, adenoids, or nasal obstructions, can lead to frequent ear infections in both children and adults. I had my tonsils removed when I was a child, did you? This is a big issue for your immunity as well as facial structure.

How To Get Rid of an Ear Infection Naturally

Over the years I’ve softened quite a bit. I used to so 100% opposed to traditional Western medicine in any way. What I’ve learned is that the more you stand against something and fight it, the more of it you’re going to attract in your life.

This is an axiom that is a universal truth. What you fight, fights you. The more you stop fighting in your mind about how much you hate pharmaceutical western doctors the more events in your life that you’re going to attract them.

If the goal of life is growth, then what better way to grow to love western doctors is there than to create situations where we need them and find healing with them? If we move beyond that and let them be and love them from a distance, creating no Karma with them, then we’ll never need to create a situation to grow from.

Get it?

With that said, I’m 100% a natural medicine type of guy first. Anything holistic and alternative I’m all ears, no pun intended. 🙂

I believe we should use natural treatments, natural therapies and natural remedies as a first resort. I also recommend taking care of yourself as much as you can by applying nature based principles so you don’t get an ear infection in the first place.


Ozone therapy is the most powerful natural ear infection remedy I have used and researched. We know that ozone can kill infections by disrupting the cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and viruses through its strong oxidative properties, leading to their destruction and inhibition of growth.

We did an entire show about it below if you’d like to listen to it.

With that said there was a study by S. Rodrigues and C.M. Silva in 2021, that showed ozone therapy effectively managed ear infections by enhancing oxygenation and reducing microbial load through its strong oxidative properties.

Another study by by S. Kozat and E.N. Okman in 2019, showed that ozone successfully treated antibiotic-resistant ear infections in animals by breaking down bacterial cell walls and promoting tissue healing.

Finally a study led by A. Yenigun and colleagues in 2013,  showed that ozone therapy alleviated inner ear infections and trauma by increasing local blood supply and providing anti-inflammatory effects to reduce microbial presence.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps heal infections by enhancing the production and function of white blood cells, really enhancing your immune system’s ability to fight off pathogens. And it acts as a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protects cells from damage caused by free radicals.

The other thing I love is that it supports collagen production, which helps maintain healthy tissues and promotes faster healing.

Humans are the only mammals that cannot create their own vitamin c endogenously. They say there was a genetic mutation millions of year ago where somehow humans lack the enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase (GULO), which is necessary for the final step in the biosynthesis of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) from glucose.

The upside is that we can supplement vitamin c in huge amounts and get enough from food.

This study in 2016 showed pretty convincincgly that vitamin c helped to lower respiratory tract infections in children.

In 1979 there was a clinical trial in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), that stated in marine recruits Vitamin C supplementation significantly reduced infection rates compared to a placebo group.

Finally a 2006 Biochemia Medica article looked at Vitamin C as a preventive and therapeutic agent against various respiratory infections, emphasizing its role in reducing the severity and duration of infections by enhancing the body’s antioxidant capacity.


When I had my ear infection I naturally treated it by taking garlic capsules and doing garlic ear drops.

Talk about a poweful 1/2 combo of natural healing!

What’s so cool is that…

Garlic has been used for centuries to help the immune system fight infections. It truly is a natural ear infection remedy of the highes order.

Garlic can kill infections because it naturally contains allicin, which has strong antimicrobial properties that disrupt bacterial cell walls, inhibit enzyme activity in pathogens, and prevent the growth and spread of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Also the other powerful thing about garlic is that it has sulfur-containing compounds that really enhance your immune system’s ability to fight infections. This stuff is powerful.

There was a 2010 study in the Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, that showed garlic extract is effective in treating various bacterial infections such as typhoid, meningitis, and pneumonia due to its ability to…..(listen up!)…. inhibit microbial growth through its sulfur-containing compounds.

Then in 2009 a study by ELM Abubakar and published in Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, showed that garlic extracts were able to inhibit antibiotic-resistant strains like Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus by disrupting bacterial cell walls, making it a valuable adjunct in treating nosocomial infections.

Finally in 2013 there was a comprehensive review that highlighted garlic’s use in traditional and modern medicine to fight viral, fungal, and bacterial infections primarily because of its antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, largely attributed to its active compounds like allicin.

IV Treatments

As far as a natural ear infection remedy goes, IV treatments can really move the healing needle fast.

With that said, generally I don’t do IV treatments (mostly because they’re more expensive and you have make an appointment and go to a location) unless my body just isn’t responding to all the natural ear infection remedies I’ve already been doing.

But if you want to bring out the big guns to heal your ear infection naturally then doing an IV would help speed that healing process.

Generally I like to use the IV session as a “boost” to what I’m already doing. So let’s say I’m taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C every hour (I’ve done it every 15 minutes before) I’ll take break from the supplementation to go get my IV. Then when I come home I’ll keep doing the high does Vitamin C until I go to bed.

If you’d like more information about taking high doses of vitamins I’d highly recommend listening to the show we did below with Dr. Andrew Saul. He’s the author of a great book I’d recommend called Vitamin C: The Real Story.

Here’s a list of IV treatments you might consider asking about when you find a natural medicine clinic in your area…

Some natural medicine clinics will do all of them or some of them. Some will combine the treatments into one IV while others will do one after another in a specific order following a particular protocol. Just call and find out!


The natural ear infection remedy I chose was ozone. That was my foundation. I added on the garlic and vitamin C as extra support. I started with doing ozone ear insufllations 4 times per day at 41 gamma. I would fill my syringe with ozone gas and then shoot that ozone air into my ear three times in a row. That would be one session. I did that four times per day.

For extra support I did the vitamin c and garlic. Those 3 natural ear infection remedies worked like a charm. Infection is all gone and I didn’t even have to do IV treatments or antything else!

Natural remedies for the win!


  1. What pain do you experience if you get an ear infection?
  2. What do you normally do for it?
  3. Did it work?

Comment below!

Justin Stellman

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