Click play below to hear our lively interview with nutrition researcher Robert von Sarbacher.
Ok, spinner is the real deal, given to 2 of my cancer clients and they won’t give it back!!! they paid for it!!!! sooo, it’s $250, I’ve already ordered another for myself and 2 more for 2 other clients… if you are getting one still, b/c I know you wanted one NOW… but I didn’t want you to get it yet, til I tried it out… get one now.. order another one… $257 shipping….
ok, sooo the spinner, uses a special version of a Nikken magnet on the end of a spinning device and makes a magnetic field but much more so than the magnet alone, and according to klebs, the field is so great that you use it only 5 mins at a time only, 2x/day or more… even over the same spot if you want, but never more than 5 mins at a time, why? gives that area some rest, why? b/c when any magnet, never mind one that is going wild in a circle creating a greater and more powerful field, but any magnet that gets near blood, the cells go wild like having a party and seem able to accomplish anything sending more red and white blood cells to the area ‘en masse’…
I have a client names Kathleen coming into town next week when I get back from Fla and they are oldddd friends of Klebs from back in the day, a very special day in fact… when he was always doing the underground nutrition seminars.. welll.. using the magnet alone without the use of the spinning device, let me tell you what she said to me – happened to her… She had grown a 2nd “head” as she called it!!! a huge not quite goiter but it was a mass that wasn’t cancer, no one knew what it was, not even Drs… and it was huge – growing out of side of neck! ewwww! she used that magnet, rolling it over the 2nd head every day for maybe 15 mins at a time… (remember this is much weaker than the spinner)… and doing this multiple times a day, I forget how many but like 4 x is what comes to mind.. anyway, at end of week #1 – 10% reduction, #2, 15 % reduction, #3 10% reduction and so on til few months later there was NOTHING THERE ANY MORE!!! anyway, her and her husband and kids are coming to Dallas soon, and I’ll tell you more of her personal story too… later when I see her and them….so imagine how much more powerful the spinner is ….
Now for use with those with strokes, the body almost instantly reverses it, and it’s soo much better with alzheimers, those usually have 100% memory restored almost across the board!!! it’s that fast!!! On a soreeeee knee or joint, apply it and the body speeds healing there, even Klebs’ mom use it on her BROKEN HIP!! she was better in 5 days, and able to walk in 4 weeks, NOOOO one leaves the hospital b4 6 weeks and she was ready to GOO and hyper at 4 weeks!!! (actually she was ready to go on day 5 but it wasn’t healed completely yet she just had no more pain) never mind totally whole per Klebs.. He says to put it over any and all parts of the body that need the body to heal it faster, and white and red blood cells come ‘a runnin’….
Anyway, I took it with me to LA and one of the girls had a seriousss ear pain out of no where when she ate out at a local place and I got out the Spinner and wow did she freak out, nothing after 5 mins of use, then waited 15 mins and did it one more time and bang, pain totally gone! just totally gone she said!!! LOL well those are faster than normal items… but who cares at least I’m having a lot of fun with it, and my cancer clients love it and athletes freak out over it!!!! it’s as good as the MRS2000 machine except better b/c it is concentrating it all in one area!!! that powerful!!! amazing!!! But not as good as the MRS2000 when using it for overall body repairing/strengthening…. But for concentrated areas use the spinner above all… the MRS2000 is $4k.. so you know… spinner much less expensive…
Directions: so one more time, use 5 mins max each time, and 2x/day is enough usually not used more… and do not ever touch the device to the skin, b/c that would shake the body in that area… and it’s ok if shaking the hand holding it but don’t shake the area…. Can be used more than 2x/day if wait in between time by 30+ mins each time…. For wait time….
Robert von Sarbacher, has been a relentless health researcher from the time he was a child. He’s based out of Texas and consults with people all over the world.
He developed the Mini Beet Protocol and the Super Hydration Drink which are designed for massive detoxification as well as building the body in specific unique ways. Listen to our latest interview with him!