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Click play below to hear our lively interview with nutrition researcher Robert von Sarbacher.

Directions for Teeth for black teeth and gums as well as for cavities and pain in mouth – it will NOT grow new teeth but it will heal the gums and the cavities so no longer ‘soft” teeth in that area of previous cavities! YAY!

Here’s how you take it – let’s say you have sore tooth… take ¼ cup of water (4 TBL water ) and put into it 2 dropperfuls of the black Walnut Green Hulls Tincture – I use the one from Dr. Hulda Clark – one of top parasitoligists on earth – it’s from her son’s store – we’ve used others in the past but hers was always highest grading available – otherwise I would not care and just get the cheapest whatever I could find!

In cases like this I ONLY use the best! After all no one wants sore teeth!!!!! Or to be in pain everytime they chew or whatever.

Here’s what you do – you swoosh this ¼ cup with tincture in it – for ONE WHOLE MINUTE or LONGER – AFTER you have brushed your teeth – please use something that removes tooth sensitivities and etc like Dr. Christopher’s Herbal tooth formula to brush your teeth with for life! – it’s cheap and lasts FOREVER it seems.

I’ve had the smaller bottle now and still not thru with it after 4 months lol – Anyway, brush your teeth, then rinse and spit – NOW is the time to use the ¼ cup with tincture – swoosh in mouth for 1 min or longer – YOU MUST SWALLOW!!!!


Repeat that whole thing 3x/day!!! Please! So that’s 6 dropperfuls total per day of that tincture as you can see!

Continue at this rate for 2 weeks or longer til you at least see some benefit such as pain is decreasing… ONLY THEN can you decrease the number of times you do this each day… Otherwise, keep up at 2 dropperfuls 3x/day for however long it takes til no more pain and cavity is healed… and gums are healed… it’s amazing how the body can heal itself!

When you are perfect with no more cavities and no more black or discolored gums or tissues or etc problems – then can keep this up at one dropperful of tincture per day forever if you want… or only use when a problem arises again – a lot of people do this for life b/c of nice healthy intestinal flora this way…

Take care
Robert von

PS NOTE: there is a huge difference between black walnut tincture and black walnut (green hull) tincture!!!!! Massive difference!

Robert von Sarbacher, has been a relentless health researcher from the time he was a child. He’s based out of Texas and consults with people all over the world.

He developed the Mini Beet Protocol and the Super Hydration Drink which are designed for massive detoxification as well as building the body in specific unique ways. Listen to our latest interview with him!

Get Access To ALL My Health Protocols Below

About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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  • How do I apply this for a 2 year old. He has a tooth with decay. Of course he’s too young to swish. Can I apply it directly to tooth?

    You seem to have the want to be informative yet can not answer the questions put forth to your ‘Information’ & step by step ‘healthy’ process?

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