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remineralize-teeth-articleAbout 11 months ago I realized my mouth was showing early signs of tooth decay after 6 months on the raw food diet (emphasis on fruits). Not knowing what to do and reading tons of submissions on the 30bananasaday website, I stuck with the raw food because for some reason I trusted these peoples opinions, over my bodies natural calling for help!

Needless to say my tooth decay progressed, fast! They became so soft, I could scrape off the enamel with my fingernail. My top two front teeth were so thin that I could see the pink of my tongue pressing from behind. Discoloration occurred and they became sensitive to everything.

I’ve always been one to try and fix the cause on my own and not rely to much on doctors so I started studying. I was in shock that after being on such a strict vegan diet for so many years that I now had to rely on animal products to have any chance of rebuilding my teeth.

I began researching anywhere I could and ordered Ramel Nagel’s book, “cure tooth decay“. Being the extremest that I was, I dove in head first and went straight for the Bone marrow, raw milk, etc etc. The only improvement I saw at first was the sensitivity levels went down but I wanted more. I wanted my bright white smile back. I started experimenting with my own “protocol”

I am writing this email to you because I felt that the interview with Will was very vague. He didn’t seem to give very many detailed instructions on what foods to incorporate, and what foods to avoid. I wanted to share some of my experience and knowledge with you guys so that I could shed a bit of light to ANYONE dealing with similar issues regarding the health of their mouth.

Here is a list of things that have helped me through my healing process, as well as some things to avoid! Feel free to share this email with anyone and everyone. I’m also sending some pictures your way of my teeth progress!

Through this entire 11 month process, I haven’t been to a dentist once. I haven’t used any bleach or inorganic materials in my mouth, what so ever!

Foods and supplements to add IN!

  • Pasture raised duck eggs became my best friend. I not only used these Raw in my smoothies for a HUGE vitamin D boost. But also love them Soft boiled in my salads!
  • Duck Egg Shells! These have also been a huge help to me. I dry the shells out, use a coffee grinder, to make a powder, and toss a tsp or two in my smoothies each day!
  • I learned to make my own Kefir! For me, Goat milk works the best, as its easily digestible, and full of calcium and phosphorus!
  • JUICE! Cucumber, Celery, ginger, cilantro, is my favorite combo! I stay away from any goitrogenic vegetables in raw form, such as broccoli, spinach, kale, etc etc. A small amount of carrots and beets are also really good too!
  • Wild caught Salmon eggs!
  • This isn’t a food or supplement but Waterpiking has been a HUGE help for me! I don’t floss anymore, too hard on the gums.
  • If I eat meat I make sure its Organic and Grass fed! I only order my meat from I really love making bone broths with their bison bones, and also making soups with their bison kidney fat!
  • Lots of sea vegetables! including Spirulina which is a great addition to anyone’s diet, and I’ve loved how it makes me feel.
  • I make lots of vegetable bone broth soups that have helped tremendously with remineralization.

Foods to Avoid

  • Nuts, beans, seeds, grains All of which contain Phytic acid, which affects absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Sugar, Including Fruit! (this doesn’t mean using splenda is the answer either, ew!) a few times a week I will have blueberries, or sweet potato.
  • Anything artificial!
  • Anything packaged that has ingredients that aren’t food sources, if it says it contains citric acid, agave, dextrose, etc just stay away, its not worth it!
  • Pasteurized dairy. Again, If I eat dairy I make sure it is grass fed, organic, and Raw. I also like to turn it into kefir for its probiotic effects and easier absorption.
  • Wheat, Gluten

Something else that has helped with my healing process greatly is using visualization techniques, to create my desires. This is the fun part because I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing first hand my dreams becoming reality. Staying grateful and positive is the best supplement one can use. I know this seems like a lot of work, but trust me, once a routine is made, its easy to stick with.

This is MY protocol and what has worked for ME! everyone is different so have fun experimenting with what works for YOU!

And remember, The only thing your body wants to do it heal. If you are diligent and patient you will be amazed at how quick you will see results.

These pictures were all taken within the last 4 months. That’s how quick they regenerate. The last pictures were the most recent and about 3 weeks ago!






with Love,


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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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  • Hey Jocelyn. I was wondering if you could provide some sample meal plans or what you ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also did you do any oil pulling?

    • Yes I do oil pulling every morning with coconut oil for 20 minutes before I have any water or anything! I then swish salt water to get rid of any excess toxins that were released. As far as breakfast goes I always start my day with a simple juice of cucumber, celery, cilantro, beets, carrots, fennel, and ginger, sometimes Ill blend some wild blueberries in too! Lunch and dinner are always different, ill usually have a soup or salad. I’m going to start an ebook with meal plans and preparation information for anyone interested in not only regenerating their teeth but detoxing, and working towards overall optimal health, using traditional methods!

    • Hey Justin, I wrote a reply but not sure if it went through because I’m not seeing it. To answer your questions, I do oil pulling every morning for 20 min before I have any water or anything. I then swish warm salt water to cleanse any excess toxins that were released during the process. For breakfast I always start my day light with a juice, usually cucumber, celery, ginger, beet, carrot, fennel, & spirulina mixed in. On occasion I will blend some blueberries, and coconut oil in there as well! Lunch and dinner are always different but its usually a soup that Ive had cooking all day or a big salad with lots of cilantro, maybe a homemade duck egg dressing, avocado, romaine, zucchini, etc. I’m starting an eBook for anyone interested in specific recipes, preparation, and overall information on how to regenerate your teeth and get back to optimal health!

          • Ok great. Im very autistic right now due to the lyme and other issues i have been batteling. reading books has been challenging. Sorta in a lot of survival. eating can be a challenge. I need simple ideas to get these minerals in me and my digestion is so poor i dont eat too much.

            I wonder if i could get a sample of the veggie bone broth soups or if the writer of this could contact me with ideas of things to make easily.

  • Hi Penny! Thanks for sharing that’s such a huge help to us and we’re SO glad you found it useful. I’m going to apply the principles Jocelyn talked about for my own teeth soon!

  • Wow! This is what I’ve been looking for. Do you have any helpful links? I only have one bad tooth but I oil pull and take vitamin d already – but I don’t see improvement. I’m gonna just have to work harder on the diet. I love cheese and fruit!! 🙁

    Thank you got writing this.

    • Hey Zoe. I’d highly recommend the book called Cure Tooth Decay (link is above) that goes over how to do the entire program. How are you going now?

  • The reason so many raw vegans develop tooth decay is because they don’t use their intelligence to think about what they’re doing.

    Those with even less intelligence, add far too high a percentage of fruits in their blends and what’s worse, they don’t consider that they need to DILUTE their smoothies with WATER.

    I’m a raw vegan. My smoothies consist of 70% leafy greens and 30% fruit – and added to that, is always another 50% of water.

    Without adding water to their smoothies, they might as well be eating bags of sugar (another reason many raw vegans are so fat).

  • I’m 5 years after changing my diet drastically. My teeth health are in the best health ever. Zero bleeding. I eat paleo like but i strongly disagree about avoiding nuts, beans, fruits, dairy, citric acid, phytic acid. There is not prob with phytic acid, in fact, it is anti oxidant! Good for your health as long as you eat it in small amount. that means small handful of soaked nuts or seeds every day, beans again, small amount as part of a meal not the center of a meal and beans are fantastic for health. Fruits? eat it only in one meal (banama, mango, pineapple, etc. sweet and less sweet fruits, whatever you want but eat in variety, dont’ eat 3 bananas in a meal, instead eat 1 banama, 1 mango, half of pomegranate) of the day and you will get so many anti oxidants, etc. and in other meal eat half a cup of berries. A+ for teeth health. Dairy? as long as you are not allergic or sensitive to its protein or carb then it is only good for health, choose fat cheese, fat cream, yogurt and it is super healthy. choose once without vegetable oil and preservatives. I speak from a lot of experience. my fat ratios are ideal, blood glucose and a1c ideal, etc. i eat fruits, i eat nuts, i eat beans. Pepole in paleo demonise them for no good reason. The thing is, what is important is doing what i wrote above like that you don’t need to eat sweet fruits in more then one meal a day,etc. Of course, there is so much more then what i have mentioned that is important in regard to teeth and health but i coudl write a book about that. I only brush with water and use dental floss. No oil pulling, no waterpik. I see no need for them. I onyl supp with b12 and vit d for 2 months of a year. That is all. Keep it simple and in variety. Also, there is no prob with pastured dairy as it is still healthy and organic food is so overrated it is funny. You can be the healthiest with non organic foods.

  • thanks for this article! I am trying to remineralize my teeth too after hearing from the dentist that i have a lot of cavities. i too believed 30 bananas and i think they should be talked to for dishing out bad advice! anyway, i wanted to ask about the goitrogenic foods and why you left them out. i have never heard of this in foods and was surprised at all the foods on the list. but some of the articles i read say they are ok to eat and there is too much hype about them being bad. can you give more info on this? thanks!

  • Jocelyn im am really interested in your remineralizing of your teeth. i am currently reading the same book. could you some how get in touch with me through email or something so i can pm you.

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