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dr-je-williams-bio-picDr. J.E. Williams joined us today to talk about building the immune system naturally.

I first wanted to tell you that last week we created a Patreon account so now you’re able to donate to the show on a per podcast basis. We had quite a few people in our community ask if we would do that so I wanted to make that available to you in case you’re interested in helping to support the show!

Back to Dr. J.E. Williams…

For those that don’t know he’s the author of books like Viral Immunity, Beating the Flu, Prolonging Health and an interesting one called The Andean Codex!

It was great because we got to talk about this measles “outbreak” at Disneyland along with the flu, viruses, pathogens and how to strengthen the immune system with herbs, stress reduction, proper sleep habits and much much more. We even talked about medicinal mushrooms such as chaga and reishi.


We also talked about how the media plays a role in this worldwide fear campaign surrounding measles, small pox, mumps, SARS, ebola and others. If these viruses and pathogens don’t get you, the fear of them will, unless you make the switch like we did and turn off the tv.

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Show Date:

Friday 2/20/2015

Show Guest:

Dr. J.E. Williams

Guest Info:

Dr. J. E. Williams is a pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, longevity, and natural health. Dr. Williams is the author of six books and more than two hundred articles. During his thirty years of practice, Dr. Williams has conducted over 100,000 patient visits. Formerly from San Diego, he now practices in Sarasota, Florida and teaches at NOVA Southeastern University and also at Emperor’s College of Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles.

Dr. Williams is also an ethnographer and naturalist. Since 1967, he has lived and worked with indigenous tribes, and spends as much time in the high Andean wilderness and deep Amazonian rain forest as possible. In 2010, he founded Ayniglobal, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting indigenous cultures, environments, and intellectual rights. His current work is mainly with the Q’ero people of the Peruvian Andes, and where he teaches Earth-based wisdom and heart-centered spirituality.

Show Topic:

measles, the flu, vaccinations, immune system

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Immune System, JE Williams, Measles, Vaccines

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  • Justin and Kate –
    Listening to your interview with Dr. Williams was a spiritual experience.
    He took me to a place where illness cannot exist…
    a place that I will revisit often until it becomes home.

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