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FFAF-Show-New2It was funny because before this episode started Kate and I were wondering if there was going to be enough to talk about.

Boy was I wrong!

We ended up sharing stories and talking about all kinds of things. The first thing of note that we discussed was our 30 day non complaining fast we’re doing. There’s so much to be grateful and thankful for in this life and yet complaining is something many people do on a daily basis.

We talked a bit about our 30 day complaining fast that Kate and I are embarking upon. We’ll let you know of our progress. 🙂

We also wanted to get your thoughts and ideas about a secret project we’re gather ideas for that would involve making something amazing for you.

Please if you can click the link above and share with us your thoughts about what you’d like us to create for you!

We talked also about allowing people “an out”. There are lots of times in life where we don’t have all the information about a person or a situation that’s happening in our lives. When this happens we can create any kind of story we’d like.

Most of the time we create a story which demonizes a person so that we can talk negatively about them and then somehow that makes us feel better. Why not create a new script? Create a new story that allows that person to have a justifiable reason for acting the way they do.

This will help to reduce your stress and bring more joy into your life.

Then we also talked about releasing attachments to food and what our ideas about food actually are. We have so many ideas and preconceived notions about food that if we cheat we really beat ourselves up over it.

We talked about a story recently where Kate made some interesting dietary choices one evening. You won’t believe what she ate!

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Sponsors For This Episode:

  • Essence Sea – Developed by noted scientist and professor, Dr. Ron Cusson’s sea based products are nothing short of incredible. They have products that will increase your immune system boost health, increase energy as well as longevity. Kate and I highly stand behind what they’re doing. Visit them today! hyperlink-arrow
  • Liv On Labs Vitamin C – 1,000 milligrams of specially encapsulated vitamin c in 1 packet that DOESN’T upset your little tummy. I swear by this stuff. Watch the video at the link above to learn more. hyperlink-arrow

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Show Date:

Thursday 7/31/2014

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Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Life coaching, the shadow effect, pleasing people

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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