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dr-richard-massey-bio-picDr. Massey was on top of his game once again!

We always love having Dr. Massey on whenever he’s available. For those that don’t know we had the wonderful opportunity to visit him and Meridian at their home in Texas the last time we got our root canals and cavitations extracted by our biological dentist Dr. Stuart Nunnally.

Today we talked about many different subjects that fascinated me. I could have talked with Dr. Massey for hours upon hours just picking his brain.

In the beginning of the show we talked about music and how music is a big part of our lives and how we’ve lost touch with making it a part of our health and healing. In ancient cultures music had more to do with community, sacredness, healing and personal connection than it did with iPods like it does today.

Then we talked about verbs and nouns and how the medical industry has hijacked our language systems to disempower us in terms of the language we use surrounding disease. We talked about how we do cancer instead of getting it. We talked about how verbs create responsibility and action on the part of the recipient and how verbs if used in a way that supports us can actually empower us to greater healing.

We talked about grief and how family constellation therapy and gestalt therapy can help resolve present health challenges. We might express a disease based on somebody in our family 3 generations ago.

We also talked about death and how sacred that can be if we tune into it and get back to how our ancestors would honor the dead and support those left behind. Then near the end we talked about how to protect yourself from emf radiation from cell phones and so much more.

This was such a fun show we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Please share it with your friends because more people need to know that there are viable options for natural healing if people just know about it. So please share!

If you could do us a HUGE favor and please consider clicking like or share and share this interview with your friends Kate and I would be so grateful. 🙂

Show Notes For This Episode:

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Commercial #1 – The Squatty Potty
Commercial #2 – Vitamix Blender
Commercial #3 – The BioMat

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Show Date:

Wednesday 6/11/2014

Show Guest:

Dr. Richard Massey

Guest Info:

Dr. Richard Massey is a holistic doctor and former medical anesthesiologist. He now works with patients all over the world via Skype and offers dried blood cell analysis for patients. See video below.

Show Topic:

Recall healing, Family Constellation Therapy, Gestalt therapy, Living in the heart and more!

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Phone: 830-992-1143

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Richard Massey

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