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FFAF-Show-New2We hope you enjoyed this latest Free For All Friday Show. We like to simply abbreviate it to FFAF. 🙂

We had a lot to talk about and only a limited time. The first thing we spoke about was we did show recaps of our previous weeks shows. We had Charee Balm on who talked about essential oils. She was so much fun and it was even more exciting because she was the first guest we had on who was in the studio with us.

We’re currently revamping our studio to allow for more room for guests to actually be in the studio during shows. Obviously we can’t have all our guests be in the studio with us but we can have some. I think this will make the interaction and fun much better during the shows. 🙂

We had a listener question talk about the nourashing herbal infusions developed by Susun Weed (see links below) and how my mom has been able to increase her bone density as a result of making the incredibly nourishing herbal teas. She buys the loose leaf tea from Mountain Rose Herbs and rotates between 5 of them each week.

As we were recording the show there were massive fires that were going on outside and up the hill from where we live. They were pretty bad and many people lost their homes. I took a photo of it after the show below. Very sad.


We also talked about the parasite cleanse we’re doing (links below) right now with Markus Rothkranz. It’s pretty amazing how it makes you feel. It really seems to kick your butt. I’m doing the cleansing now and it makes you feel very tired when you wake up each morning. It also seems to make me (and Kate) have more bowel movements each day. Digestion seems to be working better even though at the beginning of the parasite cleanse we felt very bloated and puffy in our midsections. So now it feels much better.

We also discusses how much salt to brush with and how we take care of our teeth. For that I would recommend the Healthy Mouth Summit along with a book called Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel a former guest (see the link below for his interview).

We also answered a listener question about transcripts and show notes. The person was wanting more transcripts. Trust me, we wish all of our shows had transcripts so you could do a search on our website for any subject matter. We will soon, but it takes a lot of money. To have all of our shows in transcript form right now would cost roughly $16,500.

So bear with us, it might take some time! 🙂

Then we talked about how often we should shower and clean our bodies. I only take showers using an extremely high quality shower filter and even then I might shower every 2 or 3 days. I don’t think it’s natural and I think it’s unhealthy to remove the oils from your skin every single day. When we do that it causes our skin to produce excess amounts of oils because we keep stripping them off and then it also wipes out beneficial bacteria that lives on our skin to protect our bodies from infectious disease.

I would highly recommend thinking about reducing how much you shower to even every other day to start with. 🙂

Please share our show with your friends by clicking on the LIKE and SHARE buttons on this page. Kate and I would greatly appreciate it!!! 🙂

Benefits of iodine!


Show Notes For This Episode:

Commercials During This Episode:

Commercial #1 – Bellicon Rebounders
Commercial #2 – Good Morning Good Evening Qigong

Inspirational Quote:

“After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.” – —ITALIAN PROVERB

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Show Date:

Friday 5/16/2014

Show Guest:

Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Forced vaccinations, processed carbohydrates, measles vaccines, cancer

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Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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