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Author: Justin Stellman   Date: 
October 22, 2024

The most effective natural toenail fungus treatment I’ve found over the years, is using light (yes there is a patent for it) in combination with oregano oil and DMSO topically while doing a systemic internal candida cleanse.

I’ve never seen the combination of those 3 things fail.

But with that said…

If you have toenail fungus, it’s not just in your toes, but you have fungal infections systemically.

And guess what another name for fungus could be?


I’ll post a radio show I did a few years back about the cancer/fungus connection with Doug Kauffman that you may find enlightening to say the least.

To be clear, I’m not saying you have cancer, but what I’m saying is that the two may be related and there’s a strong possibility of fungus causing cancer.

I’m not trying to scare you but the way I look at these things is to use them as warning lights (like on your car dashboard) that you have a systemic imbalance going on and it’s time to make some dietary changes, lifestyle changes and environmental changes (like mitigating nnEMF exposure from wifi signals)

Speaking of the latter (quick side note) did you know that wifi electricity causes fungal spores to proliferate by up to 600x. Radiation seems to have a similar effect on yeast in the body too. I’ll post a video done by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt below that you might find interesting.



Risk Factors of Toenail Fungus

There seems to be a high prevalence of toenail fungus amongst diabetic patients. In fact in one study 77 out of 152 diabetics reported toenail fungus.  Toenail fungus also seems to be more prevalent in Aids patients, those with Cushing disease (those with Cushing’s syndrome have extremely elevated levels of cortisol due to stress) and those that have had their spleens removed.

If you consume a standard American diet (SAD diet), have EVER taken antibiotics and are exposed to wifi (that’s 99.99% of the population) you probably have toenail fungus.

If you have a low immune system, (which is the case with 100% of those with toenail fungus) I would recommend getting lots of sleep, lowering your stress levels through proper meditative breathing, getting sunshine daily, drinking lots of pure water and taking supplements like vitamin C, zinc & copper. That’s just a start there are many more things I’ve outlined in my immune protocol.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

Here’s a list of ways for you to determine if you have toenail fungus. Look for these signs…

  • Discoloration
  • Brittle
  • Thick
  • Yellowed
  • Painful
  • Scabby
  • Itchy
  • Pus-filled
  • Lesions
  • Swollen
  • Red
  • Tender
  • Ulcerated
  • Overlapping flesh
  • Granulation tissue

I’ll also post a few images below of what toenail fungus could look like on your feet.

Topical Toenail Fungus Treatments

1. Light

Light is an overlooked treatment but it’s the heart of my natural toenail fungus treatment plan.

One study titled “UVC (254 nm) and Far UVC (222 nm) Irradiation Affects In vitro Growth of Colletotrichum sp. Isolates” was conducted in 2024 and looked at how different wavelengths of UV light can kill fungi on strawberry leaves. The study involved laboratory conditions and found that UVC light was effective at reducing fungal growth. The conclusion was that UV light can be a useful tool to manage fungal infections in crops – Source.

Another study, “Design and Manufacture of Virus Sterilization Machine on Packaging to Prevent Transmission of Viruses and Bacteria in the Community,” also from 2024, demonstrated how UV light below 260 nm was able to kill both bacteria and fungi. Conducted in a controlled environment, the study concluded that UV exposure significantly reduced fungal colony growth – Source.

In 2025, a study on “Ultraviolet (UV) Light Technology for Postharvest Fruits and Vegetables” explored how UV light can kill fungi responsible for rot. This study demonstrated that UV exposure could prevent postharvest spoilage by deactivating fungal spores, making it a valuable method for extending the shelf life of produce – Source.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda can be applied as a paste underneath a band-aid for a couple of hours. It is extremely powerful as you can read in this book called Sodium Bicarbonate, Nature’s Remedy. I highly recommend learning about this amazingly powerful natural toenail fungus treatment.

A 2014 study titled “Efficacy of fungicides-sodium bicarbonate combinations on citrus postharvest green mold disease” from the Middle East found that baking soda mixed with fungicides reduced mold on citrus fruits. The study ran for several weeks and concluded that sodium bicarbonate is effective in preventing fungal proliferation on produce. Researchers recommended it as a natural alternative to synthetic fungicides – Source.

In 2017, researchers in Romania explored “Antifungal activity of essential oils and homemade fungicides against Passalora fulva.” They tested baking soda as part of a homemade fungicide mixture and found that it moderately inhibited fungal growth. Their conclusion was that baking soda could be useful in natural antifungal treatments, though less potent than essential oils – Source.

A 2023 study titled “APPLICATION OF NATURAL-BASED ANTI-FUNGAL FORMULATIONS” from Vietnam used baking soda in combination with essential oils to prevent mold on bamboo products. Over the course of several weeks, the study showed significant reductions in mold growth, supporting the use of baking soda in eco-friendly fungal control measures. The researchers concluded it was effective for household applications – Source.

3. Boric Acid

A 2023 study titled “A Randomized Comparison of Intravaginal Boric Acid versus Terconazole in Treatment of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis” from Egypt compared boric acid to a common antifungal treatment in 50 women. The study lasted for six weeks and found that boric acid was as effective as terconazole in treating recurrent infections. The conclusion was that boric acid offers a cost-effective alternative for managing fungal infections – Source.

A 2024 study published in Holzforschung investigated the antifungal effects of boric acid on poplar wood treated with nano-silver–copper particles. The study demonstrated that boric acid effectively reduced fungal degradation over the course of three months. The researchers concluded that boric acid can play a significant role in preserving wood against fungal growth – Source.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

I like using the apple cider vinegar foot soak. For this one you add half a cup of apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt into hot water to soak your feet into for 10 minutes. If you don’t have time, you can take a wash cloth and wipe your toenails with this solution. Works like a charm!

A 2024 study titled “Investigating the synergistic effects of apple vinegar and deep eutectic solvent as natural antibiotics” found that apple cider vinegar exhibited strong antifungal properties when combined with natural solvents. Conducted in Algeria over six months, the study evaluated various fungal strains and concluded that apple vinegar was effective in inhibiting fungal growth. The researchers suggested it as a potential natural remedy for fungal infections – Source.

Another 2024 study titled “Efficacy of apple vinegar and water-soluble propolis in inhibiting chalk brood” was conducted to test apple cider vinegar’s antifungal effects on honey bee brood disease. The study, carried out in a laboratory setting, showed that 5% concentrations of apple vinegar significantly reduced fungal growth. The conclusion supported apple vinegar as a natural antifungal agent for beekeeping applications – Source.

5. Essential Oils

Essential oils are really amazing as a natural toenail fungus treatment. The reason is that they are hyper concentrated. For example, 1 drop of the essential oil rose may come from hundreds of rose buds. When using essential oils I like to add a drop or two of the oil let it dry on the nailbed but not completely dry and then add 1 drop of DMSO over the top of it.

DMSO is a powerful substance that drives substances deeper into the body. The toenail fungus doesn’t just live in your toenail, it lives in your bloodstream it’s just manifesting in your toenails.

I like to use DMSO in combination with oregano oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil and clove oil. If I have many of these I’ll combine them together or switch them up every 2 days. The reason for this is to keep the fungus guessing as to which antifungal and antimicrobial compound you’re going to use.

I’ll add an interview we did with Dr. Amandha Vollmer author of Healing with DMSO below that you might like to hear.

6. Turpentine

Turpentine is a very powerful natural toenail fungus treatment. I would (not medical advice, talk with your doctor) apply 2 or 3 drops of turpentine with the same amount of DMSO for 7 days and you’ll be amazed at what happens.

We did an entire radio show with Dr. Jennifer Daniels MD about this subject.

7. Foot Soak

  1. File down the nail as much as you can
  2. 2 Tablespoons of Epson Salt in 4 cups of hot filtered water once a day for 15 minutes.
  3. After add 1 to 2 drops of povidone decolorized iodine tincture and let it dry

Internal Toenail Fungus Treatments

Fungus, yeast and mold all thrive when you eat a diet high in processed carbohydrates, seed oils and iron. This is the standard American diet. Avoid these foods to limit the growth of candida and fungus. I wrote an article about natural ways to kill a yeast infection that goes into detail about the diet connection.

You could do a candida cleanse while you’re also limiting sugars in your diet along with doing an Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation therapy treatments. If you have an acute fungal infection, you may want to look into rectal ozone insufflations regularly or getting an IV with Ozone or Peroxide if the situation is dangerous.

If you’ve never heard of ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy I’ll post a radio show we did on it below. It’s a powerful natural treatment that can kill fungus and yeast inside the body (and any diseases they may cause).

Foods To Avoid

  • Sugar: All forms of sugar, including white sugar, should be avoided as they promote fungal growth.
  • Refined Carbohydrates: Foods like white flour, white rice, and other refined grains should be eliminated.
  • Processed Foods: These often contain hidden sugars and other ingredients that can feed fungi.
  • Gluten Grains: Foods containing gluten should be avoided as they can contribute to fungal overgrowth.
  • Mucus-Forming Foods: These can create an environment conducive to fungal growth.
  • Dairy Products: All kinds of dairy products should be avoided during an anti-Candida detox.
  • Caffeine: Should be avoided as it can affect the body’s ability to detoxify.
  • Alcohol: Should be eliminated as it can feed yeast and fungi.


Here’s how I’ve sped up this natural toenail fungus treatment really fast. It’s my little recipe that I did before bed each night. I first started by filing down the nail so there’s less nail to work with.

  1. Used the light device for 7 minutes
  2. Do the foot soak mentioned above
  3. Essential oil & DMSO combo let dry for 10 minutes
  4. 1 drop of iodine and then let dry
  5. Go to bed
  6. Continue this for a week (most likely it’ll only take a few days!)
  7. Enjoy your life 🙂


  • Have you had toenail fungus before?
  • How did you get rid of it? How long did it take?
  • Did your nail fall off as a result?

Comment below!

Justin Stellman

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