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jessica_ortner-bio-picJessica Ortner joined us to talk about her book called The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss & Body Confidence.

Her other project is The Tapping Solution which she runs with her brother Nick Ortner.

We talked about weight loss, how “tapping” aka emotional freedom technique (or EFT for short) became what it is today. I thought it was particularly interesting how she talked about all the science and studies that have been done regarding this healing technique.

Tapping actually stimulates electrical signals that travel down the meridian points as in acupuncture which has been used in ancient Chinese medicine. These meridian points have been carefully studied for thousands of years and when they get stuck or blocked it can cause poor health.

(Opens in a new window)This form of tapping that’s being used today involves a marriage of ancient Chinese wisdom and modern day psychological positive affirmations. The synergistic combination of the two according to the theory help to have an energetic effect on the body in a positive way.

Sounds a bit nuts right? I bet you’re thinking at this point….well does it work?

That’s up for you to decide. We have no problem saying that acupuncture, massage or chiropractic work affects the body right? Why would tapping be any different? It’s simply a manipulation of the physical biology done using psychological intention designed to elicit an emotional response within the body.

Here’s what I’m saying….try it. Why not? It’s free or if you sign up for the The Tapping Summit or buy Jessica’s book, you have access to a potentially life changing protocol that you can do in your own home in just minutes per day that could change your life forever. If you watch the documentary Jessica produced you’ll see some amazing testimonials.

It’s one more tool in your healer’s tool belt which could help you to avoid the medical industry and finally take charge of your own health.

We hope you enjoyed the show! 🙂 Please pass it on to your friends to spread the message of hope!

Below is a brief overview of how to do tapping on your body that Jessica talks a little bit about during the show today.

Sponsors For This Episode:

  • Liv On Labs Vitamin C – 1,000 milligrams of specially encapsulated vitamin c in 1 packet that DOESN’T upset your little tummy. I swear by this stuff. Watch the video at the link above to learn more. hyperlink-arrow

We hope you enjoyed our interview with Jessica Ortner as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking “like” and “share” on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing?

Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! 🙂

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Commercials During This Episode:

Commercial #1 The Q-Laser Healing System
Commercial #2 Lipospheric Vitamin C
Commercial #3 Good Morning Good Evening Qigong
Commercial #4 The Squatty Potty For Better Elimination

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Show Date:

Rriday 7/18/2014

Show Guest:

Jessica Ortner

Guest Info:

After opting out of college Jessica began interviewing leaders in innovation and success in order to create her own path. She has conducted over 600 interviews since 2007. Jessica teamed up with her brother Nick Ortner to produce the breakthrough documentary film on EFT / Meridian Tapping, “The Tapping Solution.” Jessica hosts the yearly online event The Tapping World Summit, that was attended by 300,000 people in 2011. She now is a speaker and writer who shares strategies and tools on how to reach your individual goals by learning from the world around you.

Show Topic:

EFT, emotional freedom technique, tapping, weight loss, body fat, emotions, stress

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


Jessica Ortner

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