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Tahoe-FacebookWe started this show off with a lot of chit chat nuttiness about different topics but eventually we made our way to health. 😉

We talked for a while simply reaping the shows. Since we had our server outage last week we got behind on posting shows. So during Friday, Saturday and Sunday we had to make up for that and post 7 shows in 3 days. Whew.

I worked around the clock to make that happen. Talk about exhausting but we did it and finally got caught up. It feels really good to post shows the day that they get recorded. As many of you know each show takes hours upon hours to produce. There’s a lot that goes into the post production of editing the raw audio files and putting the whole thing together.

So we’re glad you were patient with us. That really means a lot. 🙂

We discussed an upcoming natural healing seminar by our good friend Dr. Steven Hines that we think you might like. We’ll put a link in the show notes for you. If you know of anybody that is in the San Antonio area you might want to check out this lecture. For 10 hours it’s only $50 a person that covers 2 full days!

We also discussed what Kate so affectionately referred to as “The Junk Protector” (Thanks Kate) with regards to an apron she bought me for Christmas last year from a company called Less EMF. The apron helps to mitigate and defract the radiation coming off my computer while I work.

Electro magenetic radiation is extremely harmful. It affects our blood sugar, so it has a relationship to diabetes. It also has been correlated to cancer as well in both children (because it breaks down the blood brain barrier in their skulls) and adults.

It’s critically important that we don’t expose ourselves to too much radiation and do our best to mitigate it whenever possible.

The other big topic we discussed was how running for long periods of time is very harmful to the human body. I tend to agree with the science on this one. Intuitively it makes so much sense that man was never meant to run for hours on end for very long distances.

It breaks down the human body. It causes internal scarring, inflammation, damage to the heart muscle as well as osteo arthritis on all your joints. I can never figure out why people like to run for long periods of time. I find it fascinating though that the human body can do that type of thing. I love seeing what the human body is capable of.

Would I ever squat 500lbs or run a marathon?

No way, because it’s incredibly damaging to the human organism.

But I love the fact that other people do such feats and maybe that’s why I like reading books about ultra-marathons and this type of thing. 🙂

We also talked about McDonald’s Fries and how horribly bad they are for your health. Kate and I watched a 20 minute video (Link below) with Michael Pollan talking about how farming and cooking can change your entire life. He advocates moving as far away from fast food as possible and getting back to growing and cooking your own food.

At one point in the video he quoted somebody as saying something like, “It doesn’t even matter what your diet is, if you grow the food and cook it yourself, you’re going to be much healthier even if you got the same food items at a fast food resturaunt.”

I thought that was interesting. You could even call that the homestead diet or something to that effect. Somehow I don’t think a name like that would catch on. People like The South Beach Diet because it just sounds sexier. 😉

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Inspirational Quote:

“Here’s to the end of glorification for our culture’s busyness, getting things done on little sleep, and feeling like we have to catch up with the race — because ultimately there is no race except for the one we assign ourselves to.” – Agapi Stassinopoulos

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Show Date:

Friday 4/25/2014

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Free For All Friday

Show Topic:

Kate’s stool and saliva test, one world whey, 3 month parasite cleanse

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Bear with us. We’re working on it! 🙂

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About the author

Justin is a natural health advocate and health researcher. He has been studying alternative health, nutrition, longevity and disease prevention since 2003 when he became a 100% raw food vegan until 2010. Initially motivated by his mom's non Hodgkin's lymphoma diagnosis in 1995, Justin seeks to provide natural remedies for chronic health conditions often demonized by the mainstream medical industrial complex. He started Extreme Health Radio in 2010 and strives to provide empowering content designed to give you the necessary tools to heal naturally.


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